With the same focus on proper technique and quality lifting as you find in our Personal Training, we now organize daily group lifting classes.
Five different workouts, utilizing 3 different exercise levels to suit various experience levels, will create full body workouts, and allow you to progress steadily as you gain more confidence and experience in the key lifts. Push for more weight on the heavy days, and more reps on the volume days.

Train hard with the support of colleagues, friends, or perhaps new friends you met whilst coming to our classes. The same strength skills we offer in individual training, but now in a high energy group class.

If you love lifting weights but don’t like lifting alone or without structure, this is for you.



Focussing on the key lifts; Squat, Bench Press and Row, plus additional hip power development, this class will push your strength and conditioning to whole new levels. You could build a great physique with only these lifts.

Using a buddy system, and lifting in sequence, you will support each other and check each other’s technique. Focus is on both technique and slowly increasing the weights lifted.



Combining the deadlift and overhead press, this class offers a great combination of push and pull strength development, as well as creating incredible adaptations in your overall strength capabilities. We have added exercises for core development and leg power to make this a great full body workout.

This class also uses the buddy system to focus on technique and slowly increasing the weights used.



Focussed on building strong glutes and legs through hip thrusts and split squats, this class offers all the key elements to support your main lifts and help you progress. For accessories we have added chin-ups and both horizontal and vertical presses, covering all major muscle groups.



Using less technical movement patterns, this class allows us to focus more on volume and really getting a sweat on. We still target all of the major muscle groups, so you get a great full body workout. Kettlebell deadlifts, box step-ups, lateral raises and horizontal presses. Perfect for when you just want to get your session in, but don’t want to have to focus too much on technique.



Similar to the Griffin, the Pegasus focusses more on volume and dynamic movements. In addition, we use lighter paused squats to support the development of stability and hip control at the bottom of the squat. Burpees and dumbbell hang clean thrusters are used to develop power and endurance.



Class Breakdown

  • We analyze mobility and flexibility for each individual, to see how each person’s body structure and mobility limitations may affect the movement.

  • We Make individual adjustments where a person may be limited to follow the pattern demonstrated.

  • At all times we prioritise safety and injury prevention, so we will refrain from lifting to our limits in these sessions.

  • Our movement specific classes are intended to get you comfortable executing a new movement correctly or brush up your technique so you can lift safely. 

  • With limited group size there is ample opportunity to observe, review and adjust with personal guidance.

  • We explain and demonstrate correct and incorrect movement patterns to highlight where mistakes are often made.